When is Cragmont reopenning for in-person instruction?TK-2 March 29, 2021 3-5 April 12, 2021
What is the daily schedule?BUSD is returning to the same start times for schools that were used prior to the pandemic. These are listed below, along with the new end times. In order to avoid large groups of students congregating at school entrances, class start times will be somewhat staggered. We will have more info on that soon. For Cragmont, this will be 9am-2pm. The school day is a bit shorter for the rest of this year to account for the additional work day responsibilities that will be assigned to staff.
What is the schedule for the week of March 22rd?During the four days prior to school reopening, from March 23th to March 26th, we will shift to several days of a Wednesday Distance Learning schedule to permit teachers and school staff to complete their final on-campus preparations for In-Person Learning, and to prepare for Distance Learning teachers to meet their new classes. During these days, you can expect that your child will participate in a morning Zoom class with their teacher, and that enrichment and Special Education teachers will balance online instruction with setting up their own instructional spaces, trainings, and rewriting schedules. During these days, teachers will participate in COVID safety training, be oriented by their principal about campus modifications and procedures, and set up their classrooms. Teachers will be guided to set up their classrooms in the following manner, consistent with current guidelines from the California Department of Public Health.
Will my student keep their current teacher and classmates?Most Cragmont teachers will be teaching in-person. You are most likely to keep your student’s current teacher and classmates if you opted for the in-person plan. For teachers who do not return to school, class cohorts will stay together and will be assigned to a different in-person teacher. For families who chose distance learning, your child will likely be assigned a new teacher. Class lists for students who will remain in distance learning are being made the week of March 15. These lists will be based on several priorities: Priorities for New Distance Learning Class Lists Match current teachers and students if possible Keep current classes together as much as possible Keep current school assignments together as much as possible Families can expect to hear from the district about Distance Learning teacher assignments on the following dates: TK-2: Tuesday, March 23 Grade 3-5: Tuesday, March 30
How will classrooms be set up?First, teachers will try to set up the classroom with six feet of social distancing between student chairs. (Principals have been trained to assist with this, and the district will provide examples of possible room configurations.) If this is not possible, some classes may be moved to larger viable instructional spaces, if available. (Classes will not be assigned to cafeterias.) If needed, teachers may adjust student seating to no less than four feet of spacing.
What safety measures are in place?Staff and students will provide daily health forms and stay home if ill. Face coverings, stable groups, hand washing, thorough cleaning, ventilation, and air purification are all key elements of risk mitigation measures in place at every BUSD school. All people on campus will be required to wear a mask. All students who return to school will be required to use a personal reusable water bottle for water consumption. Water bottles will be provided to students who need them. Water bottle filling stations will be available on campus. School staff will continue to be tested for COVID every two weeks, and a student testing plan is also in development with more details coming soon. All staff have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, and most have already received at least one dose or are scheduled to do so soon.
What kind of masks are acceptable for use at school?We have masks for kids who don’t have them. Acceptable masks are surgical masks, dust masks, cloth masks and clear masks. Unacceptable masks are bandannas, gaiters, cloth mask with vent or N95 with vent. Face shields are allowed but also require a mask. Kids may bring a mask to change into if they wish.
How will we support students who struggle with mask-wearing?Teachers are planning ways to manage mask breaks for students during the day.
Will all staff at school be vaccinated?All staff and teachers have been offered vaccines.
Who will be allowed on campus?Staff members, BUSD employees, students, and adults with permission from Principal Cannon will be the only people allowed on campus.
What size cohorts will be maintained? Is there a maximum group size?The maximum group size will be determined by the number of desks that can be safely set up in each classroom.
Will students be allowed to work together in small groups or to play together at recess (socially distanced, with masks)?"Students will be allowed to work together & play together with masks and socially distanced in small groups in classrooms. At recess, each cohort will be assigned to a specific area of the playground and may not mix with another group. Students will wash hands before and after recess. Sports equipment can be shared within a cohort. Outside, distanced, masked, stable groups is the plan.
Will classroom supplies be shared?BUSD and the PTA will be working with staff and teachers to try to provide individual classroom supplies for each student that are maintained separately for exclusive use by each student. The Cragmont PTA will publish a teacher supply wishlist and fundraising opportunity in the near future to help fulfill this reopening need.
What can my child bring to school (and can I bring a backpack)?Backpacks are allowed! In the backpack you may bring: Clothing (layers for warmth) Water bottle Lunch box Please do not bring school supplies from home.
Will school lunch be provided and where will students eat?School lunch will be provided as usual but will be in a grab-and-go format. Students will walk to the door of the MPR and pick up wrapped lunch and go to a designated portion of the playground or back to their classroom to eat. Students will be supervised by their teacher or a staff member. Elementary school students engaged in In-Person Learning will receive a free brown bag, grab and go breakfast and a free, heated grab and go lunch daily.
How will IEP implementation work under each of the plan options?IEP goals and services will be honored for in-person learning. DLAPS will continue to be honored for those who choose distance learning. Returning to in-person learning, we are still going to face considerable challenges to delivering all our programs and services. These include requirements that students are not pulled by Special Ed from several classrooms into one small group (a very common strategy that Special Ed teaches use to help students from different rooms who share the same goals); restrictions on the movement of IAs between classrooms; and distancing guidelines for staff who go into multiple classrooms during one day. Like we did before, we will be asking our Special Education teachers to share with families how they will support students on their caseload. This will happen as Special Education teachers rewrite their schedules to reflect in-person support, and the distance learning supports that they will continue to provide to Special Education students who remain in Distance Learning.
Are there plans to include other adults (such as aides) in the classroom and still maintain social distancing?The role of our important IAs is being negotiated and their safety and that of our students is foremost in the planning. We don’t know what this will look like yet.
Is there a district plan to support the social and emotional processing that may be needed by students relative to returning to school after a year of distance learning?Yes, the BUSD Teacher on Special Assignment (TSA) for School Climate and Culture is gathering SEL lessons for teachers, and he is providing professional development for staff meetings. Cragmont has “booked” him for a staff meeting this month.
Is there a contact tracing plan? What will happen if a contact receives a positive COVID19 test result?There is an extensive list of protocols that were developed by our new BUSD nurses, Amanda Frey and Julia Ingoldsby, that we will follow in the event of a possible COVID case or a confirmed COVID case. These protocols are in the BUSD Pre-KElementary Campus Safety Plan.
If kids and families need to quarantine, what is the plan for teaching for those teachers or students during the quarantine period?"If the whole class (including the teacher) needs to quarantine, the whole class will move to DL with the teacher, assuming they are well enough to teach. If just one student needs to quarantine, they will be given a work packet. It’s not clear at this time if a student would be able to move to DL for the period of quarantine.
If a child who is attending in-person school needs to be quarantined (but not a whole class), would the child join a distance learning classroom for the quarantine period (I know this can be several weeks)?"A child in quarantine will be given a work packet and won’t join a DL classroom.
If the county returns to the purple tier, will school remain open?"We will follow the advice of the BUSD nurses, the City of Berkeley, and Alameda County.
Will there be any guidelines given to families regarding travel over spring break or large gatherings to protect Cragmont Elementary Reopening FAQs Rev. 3/13/2021 the larger school community?The State recommends no travel beyond 120 miles from home. If you travel out of state, you should quarantine for 10 days. There is no mandatory school exclusion for travel, per the Berkeley Health Department.
Will additional traffic safety measures be undertaken on the streets near school?The City of Berkeley and BPD have been alerted that we will need to bring back our crossing guards for Marin @ Spruce and Regal @ Spruce crossings. The PTA will be seeking volunteers to act as crossing guards at the Marin @ Cragmont crosswalk. The safety flags are still available for use at this crossing.
What will new cleaning and disinfecting protocols be?Each room has alcohol based wipes, hand sanitizer, and spray cleaner. The teachers can use all of these cleaners throughout the day. When students leave for the day, Mr. Ray and Mr. Duy will spray surfaces in each classroom with our disinfectant mister. The windows and doors will be closed with the air purifier left on high to clean the air overnight.
How will ventilation be achieved in the classroom building? What about in rain or in heat?All interior spaces have improved ventilation and air filtration that allows the air in the classroom to be cleaned 2 to 4 times per hour. In addition, the district is investing in an indoor air quality monitoring system,” upgrading the existing HVAC equipment with “needlepoint ionization”, and the installation of an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System to create and ensure a more healthy environment for the Berkeley Unified School District Community to thrive in. More information about this project can be found here. Please see item 13.1 from the January 6th BUSD Governing Board meeting. All windows will be open for increased ventilation, so students may need to bundle up. Facilities is working on sun and rain shelters for the courtyard. These measures in combination with mask wearing, distancing and stable groups form the basis of our safety plan.
Will everyone who needs bus transportation be able to get it?Buses can only transport a portion of our students at a time. We expect all of our bus-riding students to still have access to BUSD transportation. We may have a staggered start/end to our school day to accommodate our transportation needs.
How do I register for the bus?Requests for home-to-school transportation from parents or caregivers should be emailed to transportationdept@berkeley.net. Please indicate the student’s name, school site, and grade. If the student is eligible for transportation and the department is able to provide transportation within current social distancing guidelines, parents will be notified of the start date, bus-stop location and pick-up and drop-off times. Parents and caregivers of students who qualify for bus service through their IEP should notify their case manager that their student is returning and will need bus transportation.
How are we keeping kids safe on buses?Students must wear a face-covering while riding the bus, and parents or caregivers must remain with students until the bus arrives to pick the students up. Parents or caregivers need to be at the bus stop in the afternoon for student drop off for Pre-K through Kindergarten students.
If a family chooses in-person, can they return to distance learning?"It is unclear at this time if it will be possible to change your selection after you have made an initial election.
Is the school/district going to continue being lenient with what would normally be considered truancy issues?All regular attendance policies and truancy procedures will return to standard rules and policies with this reopening plan. All regular attendance policies will be enforced.
What does the distance learning option look like?The Distance Learning schedule features one additional class per day with the classroom teacher: Schedule: 9:00 --Whole Class 10:00 --Group A 11:00 -- Group B 1:00 -- Whole Class 2:00 --Specialist Instruction Previous BUSD principal (and now central office Director) Michelle Sinclair will serve as the administrative lead for families in the Distance Learning program. She will provide support for issues related to class assignments and distance learning. She can be contacted at michellesinclair@berkeley.net. Each student’s new teacher will complete the Fourth Quarter report card for students in their Distance Learning class. Families who select to remain in Distance Learning will not lose their home-school assignment in the 21-22 school year. Please continue to check our BUSD Elementary Family webpage for new updates about elementary schools.
Who can I contact with questions about distance learning?Previous BUSD principal (and now central office Director) Michelle Sinclair will serve as the administrative lead for families in the Distance Learning program. She will provide support for issues related to class assignments and distance learning. She can be contacted at michellesinclair@berkeley.net. Each student’s new teacher will complete the Fourth Quarter report card for students in their Distance Learning class. Families who select to remain in Distance Learning will not lose their home-school assignment in the 21-22 school year.
How do I get free school lunch during distance learning?Nutrition Services will continue to operate free Grab and Go meal distribution sites for Distance Learning students for the remainder of this school year. Distribution sites may be modified as students return to our schools. Any changes will be announced in advance.
How do I get classroom supplies during distance learning?For students engaged in In-Person Learning, all school supplies will be provided at their school. For students remaining in Distance Learning, school supplies continue to be available at the Ed Hub. Ed Hub Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-5:00 pm Ed Hub Location: 1701 San Pablo Ave. (The Berkeley Adult School). Please enter on Curtis Street, between Virginia and Francisco Street.
Will my child be able to attend afterschool care?As far as before-school-care and afterschool-care, those programs are being discussed by the program supervisor and staff and implementation plans are being developed at this time. We will have limited availability for afterschool due to space constraints but hope to provide options for families most in need.
How do I register for afterschool care?The BEARS and LEARNS programs will be operating in a limited capacity. If you are interested in enrolling your student in BEARS, please contact: Ashley Stepney: ashleystepney@berkeley.net. If you are interested in enrolling your student in LEARNS, log on to berkeleylearns.asapconnected.com/ starting on Tuesday, March 16 after 9:00 a.m. to complete the application. Priority will be given to families based on need.
Is there care available before school?We do not know at this time.
Will snacks be provided during afterschool?Afterschool programs will be able to provide snacks once programs are in session.
How do I sign up to get more information from BUSD as it comes out?Please follow and sign up for district news, as well as Membership Toolkit, Cragmont PTAs email system. ONLINE / SOCIAL: www.cragmont.org www.BerkeleySchools.net Twitter: @BerkeleyUnified BUSD NEWS SIGNUP https://www.berkeleyschools.net/ subscribe/ CRAGMONT NEWS https://cragmont.membershiptoolkit.com/ https://www.cragmont.org/news
Enter your answer here
I get some emails from Cragmont, but I don't get anything from the BUSD Superintendent or from Cragmont's principal. How can I also get those emails?"Emails from both the Principal and from the Superintendent are sent from BUSD, via a system called Illuminate. They are not sent via the Cragmont PTA. BUSD uses the contact info from your child's school registration form. If only one parent was listed, only that parent will receive these communications. To get your info added to Illuminate email myemail@berkeley.net with the subject “Update Information.” Then, include your name, school assignment, name of child(ren), phone, address, and email in the body of the email.
How can I get emails from the Cragmont PTA?The Cragmont PTA uses Membership Toolkit to communicate with families. Here's how to sign up. INCOMING FAMILIES 1) Visit https://cragmont.membershiptoolkit.com/ 2) Under New User, select Create Account 3) Follow the steps to add your family's information RETURNING FAMILIES 1) Visit https://cragmont.membershiptoolkit.com/ 2) Under Returning User, log in with your information 3) On the top navigation bar, hover over My Account, then select Family Info Update 4) Follow the steps to update your family's information
When I use the Cragmont School Directory to find families in my class, only half the class shows up. Are they not in the system?"At the beginning of the school year, the Cragmont PTA ensures the as many families as possible are in our directory. Typically, about 95% of famllies become registered. If you're class list seems incomplete, it's likely that other families in your class have intentionally or unintentionally elected not to have their information made public. Here's how to change your privacy preferences: 1. login to https://cragmont.membershiptoolkit.com/ 2. Select Directory Publish Preferences 3. Toggle to Yes or No
When should I keep my child home from school?Fever over 100.4 during the last 24 hours Vomiting anytime during the last 24 hours Lice - only if the child has active, adult head lice Pinkeye - only if the child has clear or yellow drainage from the eye, or a fever For additional health concerns, refer to the City of Berkeley, Department of Public Health Infectious Disease Chart
How do I notify the school if my child is absent?Call the Absentee Reporting Hotline at (510)-644-6333 – this is an answering machine which is later checked by the school secretary. Complete the form online. Send an email to sheylaflores@berkeley.net Send a note to the school. Be cautious as it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the note is received by the office.
When is an absence considered excused?When is an absence considered excused? Illness or Injury. Medical or dental appointment with a note from the physician/dentist. Attendance at funeral services for a member of your immediate family. (1 day for in state, 3 days for out of state) Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer. Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion. Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunizations. Exclusion from school for contagious disease. Out of school, with an independent study contract with prior approval from the principal in place and all work assigned turned in to the teacher within one day from the student's return.
When is an absence considered unexcused?Traveling for any purpose without an Independent Study Contract approved by the Principal. Failure to complete all Independent Study work assigned by the teacher. Family emergencies. Student missed the school bus/school bus was late. Parent is ill and can’t bring the student to school.
What is an unverified absence?This is when the school has not received notification of a reason for a student's absence.
What is a late arrival?Student arrives to school 30 or more minutes after 9:00am, without a medical/dental excuse. When students, who are not ill, are picked up more than 30 minutes prior to school ending without a medical/dental excuse.
I reported my child’s absence, why am I receiving a robocall?"RESPONSE PENDING
What do I do if my child is absent for more than five days?Please contact the Cragmont front office for an independent study packet.
What is SART?School Attendance Review Team (comprised of members of the school attendance team and Student Welfare)
What is SARB?School Attendance Review Board (comprised of members of the school board, principals and district personel).
Why did I receive a letter from the school?Letters are automatically generated through the truancy process. If your child is absent from school without a valid excuse for 3 or more days in one school year, or is tardy or absent for more than any 30 minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on 3 occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, your child will be considered truant and you will receive letters from the school, as directed by BUSD’s Student Services Department.
Emergency FAQ for Parents and Caregivers
The Katz Act (CEC § 35295-35297), requires that Cragmont have a site disaster plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and procedures for students and staff. It also requires that the school site emergency management organizational structures comply with SEMS (Standardized Emergency Management Systems), and be ready for implementation at all times.
Please read these FAQs to prepare for an emergency.
Help Cragmont Elementary Be Prepared for Emergencies!
Between regional red flag wildfire warnings, electricity shut offs, and seismic activity, it’s essential that we get ready for the kinds of emergencies scientists say are inevitable.
Our school still needs essential items to help teachers and students stay safe in an emergency event. Currently, our teachers urgently need backpacks to keep “go-bag” items in so hands are free to help guide and comfort students, reusable water bottles for each classroom, and tents to create shade.

Take action today by purchasing and donating quality, long-lasting supplies from our Amazon Wishlist (http://amzn.to/376z5KD). Items will be shipped directly to school and stored securely, ready to be used if needed.
For more on emergency plans at Cragmont, email: BePrepared@cragmont.org.
BUY ITEMS FOR THE KIT: amzn.to/376z5KD
Plan for emergencies
To increase the likelihood that you will receive the information you need in an emergency, sign up as many contact methods as possible. Elect to receive both voice messages and texts, and sign up using multiple email addresses.
Register for alerts at home, work, and school addresses: www.acalert.org
Sources for emergency instructions & information
1610 AM
KPFB 89.3 FM
KQED 88.5 FM
KSOL 98.9 FM (Spanish)
Twitter: @BerkeleyUnified
Cragmont Emergency Committee: BePrepared@cragmont.org
Share emergency information with the people around you.
These systems are not guaranteed to work in an emergency.
Be ready to use many different sources to find information.