Cragmont PTA 2022-23 Budget Process
Review the slide deck with a link to the budget options spreadsheet, email with thoughts. If you volunteered your time, please email
Our goal as a PTA:
Positively impact the lives of all children and families
Source: CA PTA
Take action to make a positive impact with PTA dollars at Cragmont
The Cragmont PTA raises money each year to support a number of special programs at the school. Most of these funds come directly from you — the Cragmont community.
Each year, we raise funds for the next school year, so our current fundraising will support programming in 2022-23.
We expect to net $112k for 2022-23 through these fundraisers held in 2021-22
The inequity of school funding
The "wealth" of a school depends deeply on the skills, energy and time that parents, guardians, students, and community bring.
This is because the state of California spends little per student compared to the wealth of our state.
CA spent $940 less per student than the national average, $12,460 less per student than NY
of the state’s GDP (compared to 3.37% nationwide) - a “D” rating
How does Cragmont fit in?
≈8 volunteers did the bulk of the Cragmont PTA work in 21-22
750+ hours of Cragmont PTA volunteering valued at more than $21,405
104 people donated to the Cragmont Fund with an average donation of $550 each
Most of PTA time is spent fundraising for our school…
1. How can we use our energy better?
2. What’s our priority area?
3. How can we be dynamic to effectively help children and families, especially with COVID?
4. How can we build equity in our school, within BUSD, and beyond?
Major Roles of Cragmont PTA
Treasurer (unfilled for 2022-23)
Financial Secretary + Auditor (unfilled)
Room Parents
Volunteer Coordinator (unfilled)
PTA Afterschool Enrichment (unfilled)
Inclusion Family Chair
Equity and Diversity Chair (unfilled)
Systems Administrator (unfilled)
Communications (Membership ToolKit, website)
Committees / Initiatives
Black History/Latin X/ AAPI Heritage Month celebrations
Winter Faire
Spring Carnival
Spring Auction
Cragmont Fund Campaign
Teacher Appreciation
School Tours and playdates for incoming Kinder families
School Gear
Budget actuals highlights from 2021-22​
We’re glad to be at Cragmont because…
We have a great staff
A beautiful campus with modern facilities
We are one of only 2 BUSD elementary schools with a dedicated art teacher
It is a relatively safe environment for students to learn
We meet the needs of the general population
… but we have to make changes in order to reduce our fundraising burden
We have a limited number of volunteers running community events, initiatives to support student success, beautify our campus, and raise funds for the following year
When PTAs fund positions, we put ourselves in a spot where some schools “have” and others “have not”*
With lower enrollment and 2 fewer classrooms next year, it will be challenging to continue to meet costs for positions
We need to find an off-ramp and lower our fundraising needs in the coming years.
Maintain previous year’s funding
The bulk of our resources (56%) go to funding positions for art and dance.
This leaves little left to expand services to our community to help address needs like family support, mental health issues, the achievement gap, and more.
Make some shifts to reprioritize
A slight reduction in position percentage helps funnel funds other places and allows a smaller portion (46%) for positions.
This allows us to expand PTA support in certain areas like: teacher mini grants, support for socio-economically disadvantaged families, academic pilots, and money set aside to address emerging needs.
Reduce the fundraising burden
When PTAs fund positions, we put ourselves in a spot where some schools “have” and others “have not”. This option removes all positions and adds more to direct teacher and student support, including fully funding MOSAIC for 4th grade and great options for kids to experience the arts.
Expand PTA supports as outlined in Option B even further.
With an agreement to move toward this model for 2023-24, the Cragmont Fund would be our sole fundraiser during 2022-23.
The options for 2022-23 and beyond
What’s our priority area? What do we want to emphasize? What portion of our budget should we spend on each area?
Email your thoughts to
Support the inclusion of dance and visual arts in a renewed BSEP bond measure: Comment at BUSD's board meeting Wednesday 5/18 @7:00p
Next steps:
Wednesday, May 11 at 7pm: Discuss PTA funding priorities and budget options at the general PTA meeting
The budget committee has the option to amend the proposals based on feedback
In June, the PTA Board votes on which budget to recommend
In August, PTA members vote to adopt the budget and determine a fundraising goal at the general PTA meeting. Anyone can add themselves to the membership list for the PTA, but only members active in the last 30 days can vote according to PTA ByLaws.