Here's what's happening on Planet Cragmont right now . . .
Mark your calendars for:
Wednesday 3/11: District-Wide Green Team Meeting
Thursday 3/19: PTA General Meeting
Wednesday 3/25: Staff Appreciation Lunch
Sunday 4/19: Cragmont at the A's Game
Saturday 5/30: NEW DATE for Cragmont Auction Party
Read on for more details . . .
Cragmont Auction Party Postponed to May 30
Given the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, we have decided to postpone our annual auction party till Saturday, 5/30. While this shift may have an impact on some of our scheduled auction items (such as hosted gatherings and vacation houses), our priority is making sure we’re rolling out our event when the community is ready to party—because it’s going to be GREAT fun! In the meantime, we encourage you to purchase your auction tickets now in a show of support for our school. Your purchase (which is refundable if the event is canceled) demonstrates your commitment to preserving the many programs funded by the money we raise each year—and it signals that you know good food, drink, music, and fun are worth the wait! To get you inspired, a little SOLID GOLD for your viewing pleasure.
Unite with District-Wide Green Teams + Sign the Petition!
Join Green Teams from across the district at the BUSD board meeting this Wednesday 3/11 at 7:15 pm (1231 Addison Street). Come to support a proposal on switching to reusable food ware in Berkeley schools. Show up and tell the board we want to see an end to single use plastics in our schools. It’s better for our children’s health, good for the planet, and saves money. Agenda available here. Can't attend but want to support this important initiative? Sign the PETITION!
Come for the Pizza. Stay for the Info.
Don't miss the PTA General Meeting on Thursday 3/19. Enjoy pizza and conversation [5:30 - 6:30 pm] and stick around for real-time Cragmont news [6:30 - 7:30 pm]. Can’t be there in person? It's easy to join by phone [Dial-in: 605-313-5111 Access Code: 416518].Staff
Appreciation Lunch
On Wednesday 3/25 1st and 2nd grade families are hosting a staff appreciation luncheon to thank Cragmont teachers and staff for their hard work. Families can deliver ready-to-eat homemade or store-bought items to the second-floor staff lounge between 8:15 am-12:00 pm on the day of the event. Sign up here if you wish to contribute. Questions? Contact Melvina Lee.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Come out to the Coliseum Sunday, 4/19 at 1:07pm for the fourth annual Cragmont at the A's Game! The A's will be playing division rivals the Seattle Mariners, and we have great seats in the Plaza Outfield section together -- not far from the Stompin' Ground, which the kids loved last year! Tickets are $20 each. Please contact Alexandra Singer with any questions or to reserve your tickets. Pay by check made out to "Cragmont PTA" (and dropped in the PTA check box in the office) or by PayPal (, or Venmo (@Alexandra-Singer-5). Hope to see you there!
CORRECTED: Fundraiser Alert: Innovate this Summer and Support Cragmont PTA
Camp Galileo is back in Berkeley this summer at nearby Thousand Oaks Elementary. They are launching a campaign to fundraise for our PTA. From 3/2 through 4/12 Galileo will donate $25 to our PTA for every family that enrolls at Camp Galileo. New families will also get $50 off camp. Use code 2020SCHOOLREWARDS. Be sure to enter Cragmont as the school during checkout (in the camper info section). Scholarships are available. Learn more at or 800-854-3684.
Your Cragmont PTAPlease
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