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Cragmont News

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

Here's what's happening on Planet Cragmont right now . . .

Mark Your Calendars for:

  • Wednesday 1/29: Staff Appreciation Luncheon

  • Thursday 1/30: Help Plan Our Black History CelebrationSunday

  • 2/02: Register for T-Shirt Design ContestWednesday

  • 2/05: PTA Enrichment Registration OpensSunday

  • 2/09: Cragmont PTA Canvassing Event

Read on for more details . . .

It Is Easy Being Green

While Kermit the Frog might disagree, being green is easier than you think. Yes, the climate crisis is overwhelming. But there are many small ways to make a daily difference. Please pack your student’s lunch in multi-use containers with reusable silverware and a refillable water bottle. When preparing lunch at home, engage your child in the conversation to ensure s/he/they will consume what you pack. If your child eats school lunch, encourage him/her/them to avoid wasting food. Let’s make Cragmont as green as it can be!

1/29 Staff Appreciation Luncheon Fourth and fifth grade families are hosting a staff appreciation luncheon this Wednesday to thank Cragmont teachers and staff for their hard work. Families can deliver ready-to-eat homemade or store-bought items to the second-floor staff lounge between 8:15 am-12:00 pm on Wednesday. Sign up here if you wish to contribute. Questions? Contact Melvina Lee at

1/30 Help Plan Our Black History Celebration! We are excited about our upcoming Black History Celebration and need your help to make it spectacular. Join our committee meeting in the Cragmont Library on Thursday 1/30 at 6 pm to share your ideas and get involved. Hope to see you there!

2/02 Design a T-Shirt to Honor Black History Encourage your student to create a t-shirt design celebrating black history. Register for the contest by Sunday 2/02 by emailing first name, last name and classroom number to Entries will be accepted until Saturday 2/08 and are limited to three per student. The competition will be judged by Ms. Kellie, Principal Sinclair and Ms. Ellen, and winners will be announced on Monday, 2/10. Prizes include: (1st) a t-shirt featuring the winner’s art along with a $25 Target gift card and school-wide recognition; (2nd) a $10 gift card and art displayed at school and (3rd) popsicles for the winner’s entire class.

2/05: PTA Enrichment Registration Opens Get ready for the spring session of PTA enrichment classes. Don't miss this chance for your student to explore additional interests after school hours, such as: Magic, Fiber Arts, Cooking, Tennis and more! Download the class catalog here and, starting Wednesday 2/05 at 9:30 am (NEW! later time) register via this link. We are looking forward to a fantastic spring session!

2/09 Support Berkeley Public Schools On Sunday 2/09 put on your comfy kicks and head over to Ballot Measures E, G and H Campaign Headquarters at 1652 University Avenue. Join this growing movement to safeguard the future of our public schools. Getting these three vital schools-related ballot measures passed will help us: keep talented teachers and staff in Berkeley (Measure E), upgrade our infrastructure (Measure G) and maintain our campuses (Measure H). This is a people-powered campaign, and we need YOU to help us encourage voters to say: “YES on E, G and H!” at the polls on 3/03. A light breakfast and training will be provided and all are welcome! Click Here to Volunteer. For more info, contact: Micha Oliver


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