Hey Dragons!
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON… We’re halfway through our annual fundraising campaign and we’re proud of our generous community! We’ve hit $25,000 raised - that’s 25% of our goal - but we need your help to reach our target of $100,000. Let’s show some love!
A MILLION THANKS to everyone who has already donated and/or returned the purple form sent home. We are aiming for 100% school participation so If you still haven’t returned the form, please complete it and return it to your teacher in your child’s backpack. You do not need to donate to participate - though we are grateful for every penny raised for our students. In the past we’ve received donations from $1.00 up to $10,000. Please give what you can. DONATE HERE THIS VITAL FUND helps to maintain the current level of programming at Cragmont. The suggested donation amount is $425 per student or $36 monthly, but please give more if you can. Your dollars make a difference! GO DRAGONS!
Cragmont PTA Fundraising